Healthy Eating - Sugar and Fat

There has been a lot of talk recently about the affects of sugar in our diet.  This seems to be the new focus when it comes to keeping fit and healthy.

According the the recent BBC TV programme The Truth About Sugar, we are all consuming much too much processed sugar which is having an affect on our immune system, our teeth, our weight and our overall health.  The BBC articles states:

"The instant 'lift' we get from sugar is one of the reasons we turn to it at times of celebration or when we crave comfort and reward. However, even those of us without a sweet tooth may be eating more than we realise because so many everyday, processed foods, from cereals and bread to pasta sauce and soups contain sugar.

But it's not all bad news - sugar is a carbohydrate found naturally in a host of different foods from lactose in milk to the fructose in fruit and honey. In fact, we need some sugar in our diets to supply ready energy to fuel our muscles and keep our brains active. The problem is that many processed foods have added sugar which supplies energy in the form of calories - and very little else. This means our body has to draw on the nutrients from the rest of our diet to process it and this can affect our health, including our immunity - leaving us more prone to bugs and colds. A high intake of sugar causes our blood sugar levels to shoot up, giving us that feel-good 'high' followed by a crashing slump which leaves us tired, irritable and craving more sugary foods. It's a vicious cycle that may be contributing to our weight problems as well as health concerns like diabetes and heart disease.

What's my daily allowance?

There are two types of sugar - naturally occurring sugar like lactose in milk and added sugar, which includes table sugar (sucrose) as well as concentrated sources like fruit juice.

The new recommendations from the World Health Organisation (WHO) are that only 5% of your daily calorie intake should consist of added, or 'free' sugars. This equates to approximately five-six teaspoons (25g) for women and seven-eight teaspoons (35g) for men."

Beware too, of "diet" foods and artificial sweeteners. Diet foods tend to be high in sugars to give them more flavour and sweeteners trick our bodies into thinking they are getting sugar, resulting in a surge of insulin and also more sugar cravings as that is what our body and brain was expecting.

How Can Hypnotherapy Help?

Hypnotherapy helps by changing your eating patterns - saying goodbye to the old ways and installing new, healthy eating patterns instead.  These new patterns then become the new normal for you and your body can get back in balance again, helping you gain control over your weight and your overall health as well.