
Freedom from phobias with hypnotherapy

Phobias are irrational fears of things, such as:

  • Flying

  • Social situations

  • Spiders

  • Blood / needles 

  • Heights

However, you can develop a fear or phobia of anything.

Usually people know that their worry is irrational but cannot do anything about it. It can become so debilitating that it can stop you doing things and hold you back from doing the things you want to.

Hypnotherapy is particularly renowned for its effectiveness in dealing with phobias and fears and can provide the freedom to enable you to live life to the full.


Sometimes people get into habits that they seem to be unable to stop, such as:

  • nail biting

  • insomnia

  • drinking too much

  • compulsive behaviour

Hypnotherapy works on the subconscious brain which is often responsible for habits, helping to give you back control and remove the habit.

Contact Me

For more information or to book an initial appointment call me now, in complete confidence, on 07715 412024 or use my contact form.