
Welcome to Stoptober!  If you have been thinking about quitting then maybe now is the time to take the next step and take action.

Everyone knows the health risks associated with smoking, but have you stopped to think of the many benefits?

For you

  • You will save money - the average smoker has 13 cigarettes a day, which works out as 364 cigarettes a month. That's £141 a month and £1,696 a year that you could be saving by not smoking. If you smoke 20 a day that saving becomes £2,820 a year.
  • Your sense of taste will return and you will enjoy the taste of food more.
  • Your breathing and general fitness will improve.
  • The appearance of your skin and teeth will improve.
  • You'll be more confident in social situations because you won't smell of stale smoke any more.
  • Your fertility levels will improve, along with your chances of having a healthy pregnancy and baby.

There are also benefits for your family and friends

  • You will protect the health of those around you by not exposing them to second-hand smoke, however careful you think you are being.
  • You will reduce the chances of your children suffering from bronchitis, pneumonia, asthma attacks, meningitis and ear infections. 300,000 children a year see their GP in the UK each year because of the effects of second-hand smoke.

Quit Now!

Last year over a quarter of a million people quit smoking in Stoptober, so you won’t be alone!
If you are ready to break the habit, hypnotherapy is a fast, effective tool that helps by providing a pleasant and relaxing experience that enables changes to be made quickly and completely.

I am a Certified Smoking Cessation Specialist (Cert SCS), combining my hypnotherapy experience with specialist skills specifically designed to maximise the effectiveness of the session.

If you would like more information or would like an appointment just use the Contact Me tab on the Homepage.